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Theater Whore: Out Of The Furnace

This is gonna be a pretty fast review. The trailer for Out Of The Furnace made this look like a pretty great film. Hell, the cast alone made me wanna see this. Christian Bale, Casey Affleck, Forest Whitaker, Willem Dafoe, and Woody Harrelson? Come on! That is a lot of good in one place. So why didn't I enjoy a single moment of this movie? Mostly for the fact that it was about halfway through this two hour movie where what is shown immediately in the trailer occurs.

The story is something that could've been done on a half hour episode of some show. Brother comes back home from war a fuck up, the other brother is a drunk fuck up, his woman meets someone new, fuck up war brother gets killed because he is a fuck up, and evil guy ends up paying for a crime that is slightly more fucked up than the ones everyone else did.

This movie just happened. There's no need to tell any of you to ever see this. The accents that people have are bad. The acting is so wooden. It was like watching a bunch of people on screen who didn't quite want to be there. Its not even bad because its sad, because its not really sad. It made me feel no emotions other than the joy that comes with not living where they do.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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